Saturday, 5 December 2009

First impressions

As I walk into the room I see two young women aged between 19-21 standing in front of the class, I take my seat and listen to Ruth (my teacher) who asks us what our first impressions are of these two young women. As I analyse them i can't stop myself from being just a little mean, they seemed to me to be quite shy, dress sense okay but not really to my taste, very smiley because when my fellow class mates were shouting out what their first impressions were they just kept on smiling :). After everyone was finished Ruth asked the girls if anyone was right and it turned out that they was, I was quite surprised at this as they even guessed right on what their personalities were like. This to me indicates that first impressions are always important.

After this little task we then moved to another task which was called the egg task, we had to draw any shape we liked then answer questions in the shape like where are you from? Whats your favourite colour? and whats your dream car?

As you can see i drew a star and answered all my questions outside the shape i don't really know why i did that but i guess i thought i would be a little different. It turns out that Ruth said it indicates that I'm being rebellious which is true if I'm totally honest. Once we finished answering these questions we were given somebody else's paper and had to see if we could recognise who's piece of paper it was, the paper i had i could tell straight away who's it was and the person who got mine knew it was me. I was very surprised as I barley knew people in my class.

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